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organizational development interventions

Imagine that the leadership team has requested you, as the training manager of a small engineering firm, to prepare the organization for a merger with another similar-sized firm they have acquired. Use the materials from this week’s assigned textbook reading. Create a report of no more than 1,050 words that outlines an organizational development approach for before, during and after the merger.  Write a report that includes the following components: ·       Consider alternative organizational development interventions ·       Recommend specific interventions at the 3 stages (before, during, and after.) ·       Considerations for management development, including the role of executive coaching and mentoring. ·       Training content areas used to ensure the ongoing quality and productivity in the organization, and how to relate this to the company’s culture and future strategic goals Cite the textbook and any outside sources according to APA formatting guidelines.

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organizational development interventions
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