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system analysis and design – ISM

Answers are required for the twenty content questions and for the software selection question

Each content question is worth one point, a total of 20, and the essay on on software selection is worth 10 points; a total of 30.

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system analysis and design – ISM
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1 Using cash withdrawal from an ATM machine as a model Identify:

i.                     2 agents or sources/sinks,

ii.                   2 data stores and

iii.                  4 processes.

2 Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) Software. Explain what COTS is.
3 Identify a situation in which you might use COTS in a project. What effect will using COTS have on the number of developers? on the amount of programming needed?
4 What must a project manager do when she recognizes as the project progresses that the estimates of the duration of some tasks on the critical path were too low? What actions can she initiate to bring the project back on schedule?
5 Which of the four phases of the project management process (project initiation, project planning, project execution and project closedown) do you feel is the most challenging? Why?
6 Explain the critical path for a project a definition and how it is developed.
7 How would you assess the economic feasibility of a project? That is, how would you determine whether, at the existing level of knowledge, the project has a good economic case?
8 A successfully implemented project has features. Identify 2 features that relate to its use; and one feature that relates to its business impact.
9 In the Agile manifesto the authors identify four pairs of activities. For each pair the manifesto states what they value more. Identify any two out of the four of the pairs of more valued activities and the less valued activities.
10 When using an Agile approach, state two factors that are critical for success
11 You are responsible launching a new website for a local non-profit organization. Make a list of three of the sources of expected costs and three of the expected benefits for the project. No values, just sources of expenses and benefits, a total 6 items
12 DevOps and Agile are both adaptive approaches to systems development. They both start out with a smaller subset of the total proposed system. Then by interaction with a user groups, using feedback from the user group, iteratively add features and functionality until the product meets the user expectations. What is the major difference between Agile and DevOps?
13 When using DevOps to develop a new system, identify two factors necessary to ensure success
14 Prototyping is a tool used in the iterative method for requirements determination for systems development. Describe how prototyping is used iteratively during requirements determination.
15 Identify two advantages of prototyping over the SDLC traditional methods for systems development.
16 What are two disadvantages of prototyping when compared with traditional methods for systems development?
17 Joint Application Design (JAD) is a method for developing systems requirements and expediting the systems development and design. Explain JAD briefly, identifying purpose, participants, time constraints and desired outcome
18 What is a Data Flow Diagram (DFD)? Of what is the DFD diagram a model?
19 Explain the role and show the symbols used for agents (also called sources or sinks), data stores, processes and data flows in a DFD.
20 Define entity type, entity instance, attribute, and foreign key.
21 When we determine the data requirements for an information system there are 4 important questions to ask. What are the questions?
22 Identify three features of a good user interface
23 When data is captured at a user interface, possible data errors should be identified and corrected at the time of data entry. Identify three methods for reducing the potential for error in the process of data capture
24 Systems implementations have a relatively high failure rate. Explain three possible causes for systems implementation failures
25 There is a drive to capture data automatically. What is the most important and widely used device that enables this?

Question on Software Procurement Requiring Analysis and a Solution


In Chapter 2 we learned about alternative ways to source software. This is a situation where software is required to support the operation of a new product developed by a start-up. This start-up is developing equipment that it will sell to households. This equipment will enable people who do repair or installation work in and around their homes, to be more effective. The start-up has just been granted a patent for their first product. This will be a replacement for both short and tall ladders. Their first product will be a drone, light enough to worn as a back-pack, with computer control for navigation and stability. This will be used as a ladder replacement, particularly for access inside houses and buildings.

The control software for the drone will need to maintain stability, support navigation and avoid collisions. In Chapter 2 we learned about sourcing software. Propose sourcing for the software to control this drone. You can consider the sourcing alternatives as sourcing the entire control system or acquiring the components: stability maintenance, navigation, collision avoidance separately and having these integrated.

Note that this device will be controlled by the wearer, so there are no automated aids to detect obstacles.


What are the lowest cost and lowest risk alternatives that should be considered? You can consider sourcing by operating function (stability, navigation and collision avoidance) or for the total operating system.

Proposed Solution

Identify proposed software sourcing, either by operating function (stability, navigation and collision avoidance) or for the total operating range, with explanations. You should search the Web for COTS or Open Source opportunities for software acquisition.

Remember acquisition is lower cost than new development.


Category Potential




Questions 25 each worth  1 point 25


Analysis 2


Proposed Solution 3
Total 30

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