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Oedipus the King by Sophocles

Destiny Oedipus the King can be read as a play about destiny. Before the play begins, the gods have set Oedipus’ destiny as a horrific one – to kill his father and marry his mother. Once Oedipus learns his fate, he attempts to avoid it by leaving the couple he believed to be his parents, but his plan to thwart destiny only serves to make those prophesies come true. In a well-developed essay, explore the ideas of free will and predetermination in the play. Can the characters be held responsible for their actions? Do any of their choices matter? Look specifically at Oedipus, but address Jocasta and Creon as well. You must have at least three sources. You must have in-text citations for every source and for all information that is not yours. If you do not have in-text citations (citations within the text of the paper), you will earn a zero on the research paper because you have committed a plagiarism violation. Research paper:  Please read all of the instructions below. Your research paper must follow the paramaters below. Add your name, class, date, and assignment title at the top left corner of the first page of your research paper .  Begin your research paper on the same page. There is no separate title page.   Name Date Course Assignment title Content  =  6-9 pages (2500 words) Works Cited page = 1 page                            Assignment instructions: Discuss how ideas of race, racism, and the Great Migration in the U.S. influenced the writing and meaning of A Raisin in the Sun. You must have at least three references with in-text citations. You may write your paper in sections; however, you will need a transition to connect the sections to one another. EXAMPLE OF SUCH A SECTIONAL BREAKDOWN: Section 1: Introduction (1/2 page): Introduce the play and the author/add a short plot of the play/add the topic sentence Section 2: Background information about the play and/or legend of Oedipus (no more than 1/2 page). Section 3: Discussion of Plot and Its Relevance to Your Chosen Topic  (1-2 pages) Section 4:  Discussion of Characters and Its Relevance to Your Chosen Topic (1-2 pages) Section 5:  Discussion of the Meaning of the Play and Its Relevance to Your Chosen Topic (1-2 pages) Section 6: Conclusion     Restate the main ideas of the essay. (1/2 page) Reference page  (does not count in page total)

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Oedipus the King by Sophocles
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