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Illegally Obtained Evidence

ajs 201-lesson 7-Illegally Obtained Evidence *When using APA Writing Style format, you must use paragraph topic titles and sub-topic titles  (bolded) as required Need to include a proper header on all papers to fulfill APA format requirements. *****Papers need to have a full summarizing conclusion. Make sure to encompass all the main topics and not  just the last portion of the paper.***** ****Make sure your essay is in APA format, has a minimum of 3 references and 3 in text citations and has been submitted  into Turn It In as well as Rio Learn.****** ******************************************************************** Lesson Objectives By the end of this lesson, you should be able to: Describe illegally seized evidence. Describe scientific evidence. Essay Prompt – Illegally Obtained Evidence Research a recent trial involving scientific evidence or the absence of it  as a key factor in a case. Explain the significance the scientific evidence  (or the absence of it) played in determining the outcome of the trial. Examples  would be the Casey Anthony trial in Florida or the Michael Morton case in Texas . You may choose one of these cases or select one of your own. Remember to cite your sources in the References section of your essay.

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