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AI and automation

Submission format: work should consist of 2 files.  1 x MS Word file and 1 x MS Excel file. one file containing a written essay produced using Microsoft Word and a Microsoft Excel file containing 3 graphs (related to your essay) and the data used to produce the graphs.     Part A  – MS Word (worth 70%) A minimum of 1000 words – maximum 1500 words (excluding references) are required for this discussion.   1000 words – maximum 1500 words (excluding references) on the following topic: Discuss the impact of AI and automation on the job market in the next 20 years. You work should include definitions of AI and automation,include an introduction, a discussion of the types of jobs that are likely to be affected to the largest degree by AI/automation and a conclusion.  Your essay should include some statistical data in the form of at least 1 chart or graph to support your essay.    –       Describing AI and automation.  10 marks –       Identify which types of jobs are threatened by AI and automation.10 marks –       Use the citations tool in MS Word to include at least 3 citations(references) in your work10 Marks       i)              Create a table or graph (not downloaded from internet) showing statistical or numerical data relevant to your discussion (e.g. growth, sales, users). 10 Marks   ii)             Include at least 2images and add captions (labels) to them using the Insert Caption function. 4 Marks (1 mark per image and 1 mark per caption)   iii)            Automatically generate a table of figures using the table of figures tool in MS Word.  6 Marks   iv)           Use heading styles where appropriate for titles and subtitles. 5 marks   v)            Use the Table of Contents tool in MS Word to automatically generate a table of contents.  5 marks   vi)           The style of the document should include the following: •       A header on every page of the document stating your name (centred) •       A footer on every page of the document stating the page number (centred) •       Page setup – left 2.0cm, right 2.0, top 2.0, bottom 1.9 •       Font – heading Verdana 14, body Courier New 11 •       Line spacing 1.5 5 Marks (1 mark for each step above)   vii)                Generate a bibliography using the tool built into MS Word. 5 Marks         Part B  – MS Excel (30%) Using data related to your essay, produce the following graphs/charts:     a)      A table of data, with: a filtered list – 3 marks A formula to sum up the columns– 2 marks A formula to calculate averages of the columns – 2 marks   b)      Column chart with appropriate title(2 marks), appropriate axis labels(2 marks)and legend(2 marks).   c)    Line chart, with error bars  (3 marks) – appropriate title (2 marks) , appropriate axis titles (2 marks), data labels (2 marks)  and legend (2 marks)   d)      Pie chart  with appropriate title(2 marks), data labels(2 marks)and legend (2 marks).

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