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Rockets (Just google it.)

Google Teaching Struggling Readers and Writers in the middle school or high school classroom in your content area.  Reading Rockets (Just google it.) will be an excellent resource for you if you can’t find good information.  The other suggestion is to separate the topics so that you can google reading and writing separately. Make a list of the articles you read and summarize each one (Minimum of three). Explain at length how you will use a minimum of four writing strategies and four reading strategies from the articles. Using that same lesson plan or a different one, show when and how you will use at least two of the reading strategies and two of the writing ones.  You may have to illustrate with more than one lesson. (Changes in red) Remember that brief writing assignments when you use Think-Pair-Share, Stop and Jot, or an end of class writing assignment such as 3-2-1 to show what they have learned is the type of writing you need to do daily with your students so that they are developing writing fluency.  No one expects you to grade these writings, but to respond in some way, whether it’s in class or with a comment.  The students need to know that their responses on paper are important.

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