Demonstrate the application of concepts learned in this course to a contemporary situation in international relations. 1. Accurately utilize concepts from the study of international relations. 2. Accurately and convincingly defend your paper’s argument through the use of evidence based in research and properly cited. 3. Write well (cleanly edited work). To write this paper you will first choose a prompt from the list below. Your goal is to show an understanding of the concepts that we have been learning about in class, and to apply IR theory to explain current challenges in international relations. This is a research and an argument paper (you need to defend a particular claim with both clear logic and evidence). Requirements: • Papers are to be 6-8 pages in length, 12 point TNR, double-spaced, one-inch margins. Include page numbers and a list of the sources that you cite in the paper. • Use in-text citations accurately! • Cite at least 5 quality sources to defend your argument. These can include news sources to demonstrate relevant facts, but should also include sources to support IR concepts and theory (I recommend you cite at least one source that I assigned and posted in the readings section on blackboard). • Clearly state the question that your essay is answering, and clearly answer that question. Defend your paper’s argument (your answer to the question). Explain which IR theory your argument reflects. Give your paper a title! Your title should be a clue about what the paper argues. 1. not. Your paper outline should roughly look like this: 1. Introduction a. Ask a question about a contemporary challenge in IR (from the list of choices, rephrased for your essay), state your basic succinct answer, and say which IR theory your argument reflects. 2. Provide support for your answer to the question. Explain your argument, and how the issue and your answer connect to IR concepts discussed in class lecture and assigned readings. a. Give 2-4 reasons. This section may involve giving background information, but all information that you give should be directly useful for supporting your argument. b. Also explain how your argument reflects one of the IR theories that we have learned about in class. Be clear about the logic of your argument. 3. Conclusion a. Provide a conclusion that brings together all the evidence and the argument that that paper provided. Restate your argument in a succinct persuasive way.