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The Consequences and Potential Societal Impacts of Defunding the Police

Senior Seminar consists of research and writing on a significant question of scholarly merit in criminal justice or legal studies.  You will select a research question; develop a methodology; research the literature; conduct your research; summarize the results; work collaboratively with the senior advisor; & submit an approved thesis in the proper format.  Present draft orally at seminar and submit to Instructor. Full drafts must be a minimum of 25 double-spaced, typed pages of text, exclusive of cover, abstract, references, charts, & graphs, and must meet format/Chicago “author-date” style criteria. “I did an introduction, history background, literality reviews, and maybe police in policing section. please do the rest as I mentioned in the draft. all articles must be scholarly articles. the source must be placed in Alphabet style.

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The Consequences and Potential Societal Impacts of Defunding the Police
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