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Individual Reflective/Reflexive Assignment


Module Code:
Module Title: The Global Professional
Assessment Type Individual Reflective/Reflexive Assignment
Academic Yea


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Individual Reflective/Reflexive Assignment
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Assessment Task 
Individual 1,500 word reflective/reflexive assignment
Task specific guidance:


You are required to write a 1,500-word reflective and reflexive piece on the development of your intercultural awareness and effectiveness during the time you have studied at the University. You should use reference to the content and materials of this module.

A 400-word section of your reflexive piece should examine your professional development and specifically how your future professional career or role will be enhanced by the understanding, skills and strategies developed on this module. The 400 words must be clearly informed by reference to your subject studies in the Business School.

Throughout the academic year you are expected to keep a regular weekly blog or journal reflecting on:

·         your experience and understanding of the content of The Global Professional sessions, including the theories, concepts and models presented in the sessions

·         your subject module experience and the relevance of your subject modules to future career goals

·         cultural behaviour which you observe

·         your emotions and feelings related to all the above

·         the development of your intercultural sensitivity and effectiveness

Furthermore, following each of the sessions there will be session tasks for you to complete which consolidate your understanding of the session content. Extracts from the session tasks and your blog/journal will form the basis of your 1,500 reflective/reflexive writing; demonstrating the progress you have made towards being able to enter the global workplace with confidence as an interculturally effective graduate. You are expected to justify your perception of your progress by referencing key theories, concepts, and models from the module.

You are strongly advised to:

·         complete all of the session tasks

·         keep a regular blog/journal as outlined above

·         pay close attention to the learning outcomes and the assessment criteria in order to fully understand what your tutor is looking for when marking your work.






Appendix 1 PGT Assessment Criteria

These criteria are intended to help you understand how your work will be assessed.  They describe different levels of performance of a given criteria.

Criteria are not weighted equally, and the marking process involves academic judgement and interpretation within the marking criteria.

The grades between Pass and Merit should be considered as different levels of performance within the normal bounds of the module. The higher-level categories allow for students who, in addition to fulfilling the basic requirement, perform at a superior level beyond the normal boundaries of the module and demonstrate intellectual creativity, originality and innovation.

PGT Generic Assessment Criteria


  Unacceptable Unsatisfactory Pass Merit Distinction
0 – 9 10-19 20-34 35-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-100
Fulfilment of relevant learning outcomes Not met or minimal Not met or minimal Not met or partially met Not met or partially met Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Response to the question /task No response Little response Insufficient response Adequate response, but with limitations Adequate response Secure response to assessment task Very good response to topic; elements of sophistication Clear command of assessment task; sophisticated approach Full command of assessment task; imaginative approach demonstrating flair and creativity


PGT Generic Assessment Criteria


A superficial answer with only peripheral knowledge of core material and very little critical ability


Some knowledge of core material but limited.


A coherent and logical answer which shows understanding of the basic principles


A coherent answer that demonstrates critical evaluation


An exceptional answer that reflects outstanding knowledge of material and critical ability

  0-9 10-19 20-34 35-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-100
Conceptual and critical understanding of contemporary / seminal knowledge in the subject Entirely lacking in evidence of knowledge and understanding Typically, only able to deal with terminology, basic facts and concepts Knowledge of concepts falls short of prescribed range Typically only able to deal with terminology, basic facts and concepts Marginally insufficient. Adequate knowledge of concepts within prescribed range but fails to adequately solve problems posed by assessment A systematic understanding of knowledge; critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights; can evaluate critically current research and can evaluate methodologies Approaching excellence in some areas with evidence of the potential to undertake Research. Well-developed relevant argument, good degree of accuracy and technical competence Excellent. Displays (for example): high levels of accuracy; evidence of the potential to undertake research; the ability to analyse primary sources critically. Insightful. Displays (for example): excellent research potential; flexibility of thought; possibly of publishable quality. Striking and insightful. Displays (for example): publishable quality; outstanding research potential; originality and independent thought; ability to make informed judgements.
Presentation Length requirements may not be observed; does not follow academic conventions; language errors impact on intelligibility Length requirements may not be observed; does not follow academic conventions; language errors impact on intelligibility Length requirements may not be observed; does not follow academic conventions; language errors impact on intelligibility Length requirement met and academic conventions mostly followed. Minor errors in language Length requirement met and academic conventions mostly followed. Possibly very minor errors in language Good standard of presentation; length requirement met, and academic conventions followed Very good standards of presentation Professional standards of presentation Highest professional standards of presentation
Use of evidence and sources to support task Some irrelevant and/or out of date


Some irrelevant and/or out of date


Some irrelevant and/or out of date


Limited sources Comprehensive understanding of techniques applicable to own research or advanced scholarship Complex work and

concepts presented,

key texts used


Full range of sources

used selectively to

support argument

Full range of sources

used selectively to

support argument

Full range of sources

used selectively to

support argument

Depth of Reflection Response demonstrates a lack of reflection on, or personalization of, the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented in the course materials to date. Viewpoints and interpretations are missing, inappropriate, and/or unsupported. Examples, when applicable, are not provided. Response demonstrates a lack of reflection on, or personalization of, the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented in the course materials to date. Viewpoints and interpretations are missing, inappropriate, and/or unsupported. Examples, when applicable, are not provided. Response demonstrates a lack of reflection on, or personalization of, the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented in the course materials to date. Viewpoints and interpretations are missing, inappropriate, and/or unsupported. Examples, when applicable, are not provided. Response demonstrates a minimal reflection on, and personalization of, the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented in the course materials to date. Viewpoints and interpretations are unsupported or supported with flawed arguments. Examples, when applicable, are not provided or are irrelevant to the assignment. Response demonstrates reflection on, and personalization of, the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented in the course materials to date. Viewpoints and interpretations are generally supported. Some relevant examples, when applicable, are provided. Response demonstrates a general reflection on, and personalization of, the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented in the course materials to date. Viewpoints and interpretations are supported.  Appropriate examples are provided, as applicable In-depth reflection on, and personalization of, the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented.

Extensive evidence of analysis through questioning and challenging of assumptions leading to transformation of personal insight.  Some evidence of reflexivity and self-development.

Well supported by clear, detailed examples as applicable.

In-depth reflection on, and personalization of, the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented.

Extensive evidence of analysis through questioning and challenging of assumptions leading to transformation of personal insight.  Evidence of reflexivity and self-development.

Well supported by clear, detailed examples as applicable.

In-depth reflection on, and personalization of, the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented.

Extensive evidence of analysis through questioning and challenging of assumptions leading to transformation of personal insight.  Substantial evidence of reflexivity and self-development.

Well supported by clear, detailed examples as applicable.

Self-development planning No evidence of self-development being considered Self-development mentioned but no evidence of any planning Self-development mentioned and some evidence of planning Evidence of self-development planning and enacting Evidence of self-development planning and enacting with support. Self-development planning and enacting with critical support. Self-development programme developed and enacted with critical support. Innovative self-development programme developed and enacted with critical support. Innovative self-development programme developed and enacted enacting with detailed critical support.

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