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Urban planners, history , function, and the best way have better outcomes.

Final Paper Prompt: For the final essay for this course, describe up to three issues in which your views have altered and/or strengthened your philosophical and professional approaches to the field of planning? Please list, briefly describe, and critically analyze these views, drawing from the course material, class discussions, and illustrative examples that support your arguments and views. Please identify ONLY the particular areas that resonate with you and remember that “context matters” to a degree. Here are some instances of how to critically analyze the themes at hand: For instance, in the context of the arguments against rational comprehensive approaches to planning, questions such as, “Were these arguments persuasive? Why, why not?”, may provide a pathway to understand the application of these readings, and help bridge these theories to practice. Provide real cases and demonstrative examples to illustrate your arguments. Another example of analytical questions could be: There seems to be a tradeoff between the expediency of “top down” planning and the “soul” of cities. Does this convince you? Why or why not? All the above are just examples, from which you may draw on, (or not). There are surely many other moments during the course of this semester and beyond, that made you reflect upon your own views on planning histories and how they relate to practice. This essay is not to simply reiterate the arguments given in class or those observed at the meeting, but to relate them to your own experiences and assumptions. What surprised you? What irked you? What confirmed your experiences? Specific examples are helpful, rather than general statements. Also, try to ground your discussion by linking it to the relevant readings. As part of the final essay, you are also asked to draw upon your observations and notes from the various discussions, debates, and exercises you have engaged in this semester, to elaborate on the general takeaways from these experiences, in the context of planning theory, urban affairs, and practice. What parallels can be drawn between these takeaways, these experiences, AND particular theories and histories of urban studies and planning at a broader scale?  Please provide a brief analytical description of the meeting and some detail to provide background for the reader. Please use appendices as appropriate. Important Note: For this essay, please be as specific and analytical as possible and provide illustrative examples from practice and/or your own experience where appropriate. You are encouraged to cite/draw from any of the materials from this course and beyond. Since this is the last writing assignment, we encourage you to pay very close attention to the comments you received on your earlier assignments, moving forward. Format and Requirements IMPORTANT: Any assignments which do not follow the required format, citation guidelines, and files submitted with incorrect titles, may not be reviewed. Please read the Academic Honesty guidelines in the syllabus. • Length 8 – 12 pages max*, excluding bibliography and appendices • Font: Arial, 12 point, single spaced • Margins 1” on all sides w/ justified paragraph alignment • Filename (A6-Lastname,Firstname) • A good descriptive title • Page Numbers • Other Notes • Please identify ALL cited materials in APA Format as part of the paper and include a bibliography. • Please include your name on the running header. • A cover page is not necessary. PLEASE NOTE THAT INCORRECTLY LABELED FILES WILL NOT BE GRADED. LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE PENALIZED LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE PENALIZED. * Please note that as long as you fulfill the minimum page requirements for this assignment (8pgs), you will be graded based on the criteria outlined in the rubric for this assignment, and NOT on the overall length of your paper beyond the minimum! Any pages beyond the maximum will not be graded.

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Urban planners, history , function, and the best way have better outcomes.
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