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Depictions of women that we see in Medieval, Renaissance, and Colonial literature

Examine the depictions of women that we see in Medieval, Renaissance, and Colonial literature. Do the depictions change over time? If so, how? Do the portrayals change for the better? If not, why do you think that is? Do depictions of men change? The assignment should have a clear topic supported by citations from the literature. The paper should be four to five pages in length. Be sure to draw from the texts.  You are also asked to find 2 secondary sources from the library’s academic database.  Please note that GOOGLE is not an academic source.   I need the initial thesis for Essay #3  by 12/8/2020  The initial thesis must talk about: what you hope to accomplish in your paper.  Remember to cite your sources and defend your position with evidence from credible sources. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/11417/11417-h/11417-h.htm#VIII.  https://media.pearsoncmg.com/pls/nj/essex/1323191240/tales_from_the_old_french.html https://media.pearsoncmg.com/pls/nj/essex/1323191240/anne_bradstreet_and_her_time.html https://media.pearsoncmg.com/pls/nj/essex/1323191240/captivity_and_restoration.html https://media.pearsoncmg.com/pls/nj/essex/1323191240/religious_and_moral_poems.html

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Depictions of women that we see in Medieval, Renaissance, and Colonial literature
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