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Ethical Dilemma in Decision Making

We make decisions every day of our lives.  It seems they should get easier as we walk through life yet each decision brings variables; we do our due diligence but it still can be a challenge to decide if we should choose this option or that option.  When the decision involves an ethical dilemma, we are forced into making a decision where there are two choices but, in choosing one, it could cause harm for the option not chosen.  This is an example of an ethical dilemma.  My friend Sophie was unable to get pregnant so she and her husband went through in vitro-fertilization (IVF).  (This was her first ethical decision.)  Sophie found she was pregnant with a baby girl they named Elsa.  During her pregnancy, Sophie contracted a severe infection.  She and her husband now faced their second ethical dilemma as they were told that to survive the infection, she has to terminate her pregnancy. Make a decision on your ethical dilemma.

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