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Key Reformers of the Early 19th Century

  1. Read about your refoarmer in the text and then find two resources in the library that describes his or her significance in American History.
  2. Site the resources and write a one page double spaced summary of that individual based upon your sources.
  3. Be prepared to share with the class your essay and the significance of your reformer.
  1. Thomas Gallaudet
  2. Samuel Gridley Howe
  3. Louis Braille
  4. Dorothea Dix
  5. Benjamin Rush *18th century
  6. John B. Gough
  7. Mayor Neal Dow
  8. William Lloyd Garrison
  9. Theodore Dwight Weld
  10. David Walker
  11. Frederick Douglass
  12. Margaret Fuller
  1. Sarah & Angelin Grimke
  2. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  3. Lucretia Mott
  4. Susan B. Anthony
  5. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  6. Henry David Thoreau
  7. Edgar Allan Poe
  8. Nathaniel Hawthorne
  9. Herman Melville
  1. Walt Whitman
  2. Horace Mann
  3. Henry Barnard
  4. Harriet Beecher Stowe

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