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Western Civilization historical background

This written examination must be on one significant work of literature listed in the attached file (at least 70 options are available, this choice is very flexible).  The goal of this paper is to place the work of literature within its historical context, understand its meaning within that context, and consider its importance to Western history. The paper should be divided into three sections:  1. Context: This section should offer historical background on the book. For example, when and why was it written? Who is the author, and what were their concerns, agendas, and goals? What was going on at the time that might help a reader understand it better? 2. Content: This section will give a brief overview of the content of the book. Its message and meaning should be summarized, with attention to the historical connections made in the previous section on context. 3. Importance: The conclusion of the paper will examine the significance of the work of literature to subsequent history. It should detail the outcomes that resulted from its composition, and consider its broader importance to Western history.

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Western Civilization historical background
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