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Biomedical Research Report

You will be writing a  research report about the lecture ( which covers the subjects in attached files) and a subject in the attached three files, and I uploaded 3 files. You can use the files as your source, but you will need outside academic source too. I attach the files  which are the papers related to the lecture. 1) You will do some literature search about a topic in the speaker’s talk ( it is about the papers that I attached) and you will write a report.  2) Write-up body will be 1 page. Any tables, figures will be in the other page.  3) You should use at least 3 references for this write-up, number them and write those numbers in text, next to the information they belong to. 4) “References” section will be in a different page than the tables and figures. 5) It MUST be one FULL page with FONT 10 and MLA style,( more is fine and appreciated).  ** Please use simple words. It MUST be one FULL page with FONT 10 and MLA style,( more is fine and appreciated). Please NUMBER the references and use them.

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Biomedical Research Report
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