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What is Transnational Feminism?

at least three scholarly resources from the course. That means that you must use at least three resources from the course. External resources may be consulted, but they are not require.  Essays should be formally presented and include all of the elements of an academic paper. Essays should include a thesis, well-developed and organized paragraphs, a bibliography/works cited page, etc. Essays should be 5-7 pages long, typed, double-spaced, with one-inch margins, and in a font no larger than 12 pt. (11 pt if you are using Ariel or Courier). MLA, Chicago, or APA are all acceptable formats. The writer also should use THE BOOK WOMEN’S ACTIVISM AND GLOBALIZATION ( LINKING LOCAL STRUGGLES AND TRANSNATIONAL POLITICS) OF NANCY A. NAPLES & MANISHA DESAI as resource for this paper!!!

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What is Transnational Feminism?
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