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Objective: An electronic portfolio (e-portfolio) is a purposeful collection of sample student work, demonstrations, and artifacts that showcase student’s learning progression, achievement, and evidence of what students can do. The collection can include essays and papers (text-based), multimedia projects (recordings of demonstrations, interviews, presentations, etc.), & graphical projects (images, charts, processes, and artwork).

Guidelines: Take an inventory of your marketable skills gained throughout your interdisciplinary degree program. To determine marketable skills for your industry, you’ll first complete a job ad investigation. In-class discussions and activities will help you narrow your marketable skills to 3. You’ll then need to collect artifacts such as those listed above that exemplify your skills. Artifacts can come from course work, internships, hobbies, or jobs. Once you’ve selected your artifacts, you will organize everything into a digital portfolio, designed by you. Additionally, you’ll create one new artifact based on skill requirements you find in a job ad related to your field. A reflective essay will also be included, which will describe how your artifacts demonstrate your skills. The final touch will be an updated resume.

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The e-portfolio will be developed in 3 stages:

  • Collecting—In this stage you will determine the skills you’ve developed during your program of study, review the courses you’ve completed, and gather all assignments and documents that you can.
  • Selecting—You’ll narrow your skillset down to 3, a determination you’ll make based on job ads in your field, courses you’ve taken, and the best work you’ve completed. You will then choose a selection of 3 artifacts per skill to represent each skill, for a total of 9. This includes one new artifact that you will create as part of a separate writing assignment.
  • Reflecting—In the final stage, you will not only be putting everything into an accessible and user-friendly web format but you’ll also be composing an essay reflection that examines your degree outcomes, each of your skills and artifacts, and the writing and learning processes associated with each.

Requirements: Your e-portfolio will be a web page you create using your choice of free web hosts (ODU recommends WordPress, though Wix or Google Sites are also acceptable). You may not submit a portfolio that you’ve already submitted for another class or assignment. The web site should be organized and demonstrate professionalism in its design and image choices. It must include 4-6 total pages:

  • a welcome page with an introduction about you, your major, and the portfolio,
  • one to three pages representing a skill (one skill per page or all on one page) which will include at least 3 artifacts per skill,
  • a 5-page reflection essay on the web page that analyzes your skills and artifacts to assess your learning and discuss how your academic experiences contributed to your career readiness. Single-spaced, APA format.
    • Consider how each skill and artifact demonstrates interdisciplinary research, skills, and concepts. Think about the lessons learned during the writing/creation of the artifact. Remember that this is an interdisciplinary program, so you must think about the ways in which different disciplines gave you different skills.
    • Integrate at least 8 additional research sources pertaining to your major, your intended career, or to interdisciplinarity (revisit your IDS 300W class for relevant works you might use in addition to any class from which assignments were produced for your portfolio).
    • Have an introduction, body and conclusion.
Introduction Introduce the skills learned in your degree program and the interdisciplinary courses & disciplines from which they came.
Body Discuss each skill and artifact in an organized way using clear headings. What did you learn? How did you solve the problems or figure out the process as you completed the assignment? How did other courses or theories previously learned help you complete the assignment? Show how each skill is necessary for your career goals by connecting it back to what you’ve seen in job ads.
Conclusion Consider the skills, courses, and program as a whole. How were interdisciplinary methods and theories important to your understanding of your coursework? How did you learn to engage and act in your various courses in order to complete your assignments? How did courses like IDS 300W prepare you for your program coursework? Why is it important to be an interdisciplinary thinker in your field of study?

Rubric: Your e-portfolio will be graded on the following elements:

Welcome Reflections on Degree Outcomes Artifacts Skills Layout & Design
10 pts. 35 pts. 35 pts. 10 pts. 10 pts.
Introduce yourself & tell visitors about yourself and your degree. Link to all 5 other pages. Reflections on your degree learning outcomes and how your skills and artifacts reflect those outcomes will be a traditional 5-page essay using APA citations. Classroom assignments & activities and real-world work (service-learning internships, etc.) will be represented as artifacts. You should have 9 total artifacts. Three skillsets should be introduced and discussed. An organized and professional layout free of broken links, dead ends, or missing content.


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