Need a report for a design project in engineering “Bicycles for children with special needs” REPORT GUIDELINES (1) Introduction: Purpose: (One sentence) A description of what is to be accomplish. Apply the design process to solving an open-ended problem Scope: (One or two sentences) A description of the extent of the activity. A systematic process, the forming of teams, the selected problem etc. Overview: (A three or four sentence paragraph) A discussion on the advantages of a “Team “Design Process to solve an open-ended problem A single engineer verses multiple engineering disciplines working in a structured environment and following a systematic strategy. Successful designs are generated by teams comprised of: Engineers Marketing personnel Economists Management Customers, etc. (2) Body of Report A two or three sentence paragraph on each of six steps Listed below: (1) Define the problem to be solved. (2) Acquire and assemble pertinent data. (3) Identify solution constraints and criteria. (4) Develop alternative solutions. (5) Select a solution based on analysis of alternatives. (6) Communicate the results. (3) Conclusion and recommendations A two or three sentence paragraph A discussion on the selected solution and other alternate solutions considered. NOTE: The above is not mandatory and is a guideline for the ENGR 150 class. The student may use an industry (company) and/or Tech-writing class report outline.