Rewrite a five page essay in response to this prompt: Should the United States Federal Government fund the National Endowment of the Arts (NEA)? Be sure to refer to specific passages in your research in order to support your claims; when doing so, use MLA methods of citation and documentation. The goals of the first essay include the following: ■ identifying common themes in expository writing in order to: o identify similar and opposing positions on a common theme; o evaluate similar and opposing positions on that common theme; o and adopt one position and argue in favor of it over the other ■ conducting research in scholarly/peer-reviewed publications ■ synthesizing information from multiple sources found through research ; ■ practicing academic writing skills such as: o focusing on a main idea; o developing that idea with evidence from the research; o organization; o and writing in a clear and precise style. ■ Effectively incorporating information from research into your own writing. ■ Employing responsible citation and documentation practices in order to give credit to outside sources discovered during research. Audience: Instructor and classmates as an academic audience. ▪ Assume that we are familiar with the topic but will expect specific examples from your research to support your assertions. Compose an essay in which state your position and support it, drawing from your research to supplement your argument ■ Take a Stand: Determine your position on the prompt you have selected. In other words, do you think the US should take that action. ■The answer to one of the two options above will be your thesis that your essay will defend. ■ Develop your claim(s) with specific examples from your research including quotes, paraphrases and summaries, as appropriate. 1. Incorporate, cite, and document quotations according to MLA guidelines ■ Organize your paper in a readable, logical manner. ■ Use research to supplement your argument rather than overwhelm or subordinate it. ■ Write in a style which is clear and readable with few if any grammatical, mechanical or usage errors. Requirements: ■ Length: 5-7 pages. ■ Citations and Works Cited Page per MLA requirements ■ Double spaced with one-inch margins. Times New Roman12 point font. DO NOT USE THE FOLLOWING WEBSITE TO SUPPORT THE ESSAY: Last Note: Make the essay sound more professional and add more accurate source. it is also fine to delete some of the source that already provide in the essay