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Applied Integrative Project

The written narrative for the final Applied Integrative Project (due in Unit 9) should include the following: An introduction to the entire project which should be approximately one-half a page. A presentation of the problem in the community related to your topic or issue, supported by current scholarly research (your edited Literature Review from Unit 5). This portion of the project should be between 6–8 pages in length. An introduction to the Appendix to this document containing the annotated directory of community organizations you have identified (your edited Community Assessment Annotated Directory from Unit 6). The introduction portion of the index should be approximately one-half page in length; the appendix itself should be approximately 3– 4 pages. A description of the three individuals at three different organizations you selected for a more in-depth assessment. This section should present a summary and discussion of the responses you received during your interviews. (Reminder: the interview questions were developed in the Unit 3 discussion) and should be designed to gain a sense of the depth and breadth of the organization’s involvement with early intervention, prevention, and advocacy around your topic or issue locally, state-wide, regionally, or even nationally, depending on the organization’s mission. This section of the project should be between 6–9 pages in length. A summary of your entire Community Assessment, with recommendations for adding or strengthening the prevention and advocacy activities and services in the context of a diverse, multicultural society. Your summary should be approximately three pages in length. Total length: your project should be 18–24 pages long, not including title page and references.

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