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Chemistry Scientific Article

please choose one topic for the article from the followings: 1. What is fatty Liver and how to prevent and reverse this disease? 2. What is Kidney disease and how to prevent and cure the disease? Writing Procedure:   -First do a research for the topic in the scientific journals such as Pubmed/NCBI/NIH or others online resources.   -Select at least 10 published journals for the topic, review and summarize the content in your article   -The article should be well explained with necessary image in every paragraph. Images should be collected from the article or from the free image sources so that it does not fall under copyright law.    -Each paragraph should have bolded heading and every item in the paragraph should be also sectioned out with bolded heading.     -There is no limit for the length of the article, but it has to be minimum 550words, and it MUST be in 10  FONT SIZE.    -References have to be cited twice- inside the content using only order number as well as at the end of your article in order using MLA format.. Article will not be accepted if scientific references are not cited properly

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Chemistry Scientific Article
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