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Target marketing and sales promotion

Scenario:  You and your team do marketing and sales support for “Real Simple Magazine.”  You have been contacted by the CMO of Haier America(base in US, not base in China), who is requesting a meeting with you regarding a “marketing program for 2021+.”   You are hopeful they are looking to do a multi-page ad buy for the magazine for 2021 and possibly beyond. The resource is not only limited with “Real Simple Magazine”, you can use all resources from the parent company Meredith Corporation.

Target consumer: Since Real Simple Magazine’s target audience are age around 50 with kids, with $80,000-$100,000 annual Household income, most readers are women. So, we want to make a high end products for them, high price with high quality. Our target audience wants functional appliance with good quality and help them to improve one’s life.

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Target marketing and sales promotion
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Since Haier America have a negative impression, so the mission of the action plan is how we through Real Simple Magazine this platform to change Americans’ opinion of Haier.

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