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Impact that slavery had on the economy, society, politics, and territorial expansion of the United States from about 1800 to 1877

discuss the impact that slavery had on the economy, society, politics, and territorial expansion of the United States from about 1800 to 1877. How did people, both enslaved and free, adapt to or resist slavery? Was ending slavery a necessity or a choice? Composition Requirements: Respond to the questions asked – stay on topic. Utilize at least eight examples of sources found in the “Readings and Content” or “Supplemental Sources” link from Lessons 1-4 modules. Use at least one direct quote from each source. A quote should be relevant to the point the student is making but not longer than 2-3 sentences. The essay should range from 8-12 full paragraphs (not including the introduction and conclusion). You can go a little over 12 paragraphs, but don’t be excessive. A good paragraph will consist of 4-6 sentences each, including a topic sentence and a transition to the next idea. Paragraphs should be organized around a single point or idea and be sufficiently developed and supported with facts or examples. * A good rule of thumb is to discuss one primary document per paragraph. Include an informal works cited list by simply listing the sources you’ve quoted at the end of the essay. No particular formatting is required. Presentation counts!! Points will be deducted for poor spelling and grammar. sentences should express complete thoughts. Sentence fluency reflects your understanding of the material. Avoid spelling errors, improper grammar, flawed punctuation, and awkward language. Avoid long, block quotes. You are intelligent and talented, otherwise you wouldn’t be here. Take pride in your work. Citations: Citations can be handled two ways. (1) Use parenthetical (Herodotus, Histories) at the end of a sentence or paragraph. Or, (2) references from sources can be handled in-text. For example: According to Herodotus, “History is…”

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Impact that slavery had on the economy, society, politics, and territorial expansion of the United States from about 1800 to 1877
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