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Annotated bibliography report

What did you learn (key chapter highlights/concepts)? Summarize the main themes within each assigned chapter and integrate these themes within this annotation report. The first section should simply identify the main themes. The second section should Integrate the main themes among the chapters. What do they have in common (tip: read the chapter objectives as a beginning framework)? Do you see any connections with previous chapter readings? Explain. What is your takeaway? The final section should take what you learned from the readings and make direct connections with the videos and instructor notes. Are there clear connections? What are they? The final section is a conclusion. Summarize your report and offer a final statement that explains how you see yourself applying these new insights within the context of your learning and/or profession.

APA, 3 references, Times New Roman, 12 Font…Master level program

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Annotated bibliography report
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References need to be the book, videos and teacher notes within the blackboard portal ( it is imperative that you incorporate the videos and notes in the summary.

Will provide login upon accepting the request. You will have access to the notes and videos.

❖ Chapter 1 Getting Ready to Champion Professional Development

❖ Chapter 2 Evaluating and Assessing Professional Development

❖ Chapter 3 Focusing on Adult Learning: Releasing the Conditions for Professional Growth



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