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A brief description of the learning environment

Chapter 7 of our text discusses the characteristics of gifted children and a variety of effective instructional methods. For this discussion, read the article Teaching young gifted children in the regular classroom. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Next, respond to the following scenario:

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A brief description of the learning environment
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Imagine you spent the day observing either a preschool, elementary, or secondary classroom. During your observation, one child exhibits behaviors typical of gifted children.

For your post, write a vignette that describes the child and explains why you believe this child may be gifted. Your vignette should include:

a. The child’s name, age, and grade level

b. A brief description of the learning environment

c. At least three academic and/or and social characteristics the child displayed during your observation that makes you believe he/she may be gifted. Be sure to support your description with information from the “Characteristics of Gifted and Talented” section of Chapter 7 of your text as well as at least one outside scholarly resource.

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