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Is Sugar Toxic (or) Napster Documentary Review

Is Sugar Toxic (or) Napster Documentary

Outline both documentaries, and then respond to one in a 3-4 paragraph response essay.
(Hand in both outlines for extra credit)
Please refer to the Elements of Persuasive Writing Slides referenced in class to help your paper approach.
• How do you feel overall with the facts stated about the amount of sugar the average person consumes? Were you at all persuaded to cut back on your own sugar consumption?
• Should the government crackdown on the amount of sugar allowed in our food supply? Alternatively, should it be an individual consumer-to-consumer responsibility in staying as healthy as one wants to be?
• Should new labeling of the amount of sugar in products purchased be implemented throughout the food industry? How and why?
• How do you feel about the “fat out, sugar in” switch to enhance taste? Is this a form of trickery?

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Is Sugar Toxic (or) Napster Documentary Review
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• The music industry has changed drastically due to file sharing created by Napster. How do you feel about the current health of the music industry?
• Were you or someone you know a user of any file sharing sites? If so were you affected in any way? Were you persuaded in any way to use a particular site?
• Compare the old ways of collecting music to the new. Do you have a preference to either the collection of CD’s or streaming?
• Should artist be paid more money for their creations through streaming platforms why/why not?


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