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Recommend a Qualitative Design

Comment on the suitability of your peer’s proposed research question(s) and research design. Has your colleague chosen the most appropriate qualitative design to answer the question(s) posed? Why, or why not? What other design option(s), besides the one you selected for your own post, would you recommend to study the proposed research question? Review the ethical issues your colleague raised in his or her post and suggest other issues that should be considered when conducting this research. (SEE TYIESHA’S POST BELOW)


Qualitative Research Designs
According to American Psychiatric Association (2013), dysthymia is described as a constant depressive disorder. It is therefore a severe form, which makes the patients contemplate suicide, feel guilty always, and generally withdrawn. The major concern about this condition is its appropriate treatment. Several treatments have been proposed for the treatment of the condition with CBT being one of the common forms of treatment.
Research Question: Is CBT an appropriate treatment option for Dysthymia?

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Recommend a Qualitative Design
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Qualitative research designs

The qualitative research design refers to the method of obtaining data via the conversational or observational method. The research design takes several forms namely one-on-one interviews, focus groups, ethnographic research, survey, case study research, and process observation (MacDonald, 2012). The most common attribute of qualitative research design is that they use the primary data collection method. As such, the findings are always based on firsthand information which makes them more valid and reliable than secondary information.

Survey Research designs

The research design for the proposed research question will be a survey. Survey research is best described as a collection of information from a sample of the population through their responses to research questions raised. The design allows for a number of ways to be used to recruit participants, undertake data collection, and utilize various elements of data analysis (Ponto, 2015). CBT treatment for depression works through addressing the depressive symptoms. Data will, therefore, be collected by interviewing participants who have previously been treated through CBT. At least 20 participants will be interviewed randomly to increase objectivity.
From an ethical standpoint, the issue of informed consent and confidentiality is the major concern for the researcher. People with depression are particularly difficult to handle and as such, the researcher will have to create a rapport with the participants to ensure their full participation. Besides, the researcher will ensure that the information collected during the research process is used solely for the research purpose and not shared with third parties under any circumstances.


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.
MacDonald, C. (2012). Understanding participatory action research: A qualitative research methodology option. The Canadian Journal of Action Research, 13(2), 34-50.
Ponto, J. (2015). Understanding and evaluating survey research. Journal of the advanced practitioner in oncology, 6(2), 168.

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