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information technology for health institutions

Safety Hospital is a medium-sized institution that provides health care and other treatment services to patients. Situated in Manila, it was founded by a group of professional physicians who joined hands to work for the community and the sick by providing medical care, therapy, and other forms of medical intervention.
Safety Hospital is a four-storey building with 85 beds serving as a complete hospital. . The hospital offers varying services in different departments. The Emergency Room is situated on the ground floor; the Trauma Room provides acute services, including a Resuscitation Room Bed; the Cardiology Room takes care of hearth patients; while newborn babies are in the Nursery Room. In addition, Rosewater Hospital has an Intensive Care Unit, a Laboratory Room, other specialized wards, and outpatient departments that serve patients who are not admitted in the hospital. Common support units include a pharmacy, pathology, and radiology units, the Admission, Records, Information Technology, and Accounting Offices, a canteen for dining services, and the Maintenance, Facilities, and Security Departments. It likewise has a Doctors’ Ward where freelance physicians treat their patients in their own clinics.
The hospital has 289 employees; physicians, nurses, assistants, managers, staff maintenance, guards, and other personnel with specialized functions. Some work for eight hours while others work on a 12-hour shift. The employees are highly competent, approachable, and patient; hospital charges are reasonable with quality service. However, the admission rate vis-à-vis the number of available hospital beds is 58%.
Given this admission rate of 58%, Safety Hospital has to deal with high electrical bills, considering that all rooms are air-conditioned. Secondly, the wages and salaries of their employees are fixed costs regardless of the number of patients admitted. Thirdly, Rosewater Hospital compelled by law to admit any patient even if the person is not able to make a deposit payment.
Hired as a Consultant, what suggestions can you give the Medical Director of Safety Hospital?
Requirements: use the format of case method and come up with an action plan.
Strategy Case:
Title of the Case:
Time context:
Statement of Objectives:
Areas of Consideration:
Alternative Courses of Action:
Decision Matrix:
Action Plan:

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