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Americans with disabilities act

Part one to know what the ADA requires making sure you explain UNDUE BURDEN with a clear example of it.(in medical field)

Part two is to see how well agencies, organizations, businesses etc. think they are implementing and following the law…what do they say they are doing?

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Americans with disabilities act
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Part three is – how do deaf people think these various groups are obeying the law

Then, your conclusion. Based on this sampling of opinions and thoughts, what do you think about the ADA – how well is it working for deaf people?

So, to find out what these groups, companies etc think about their performance, you can seek out first hand – contacting hotels or hospitals and so on and interviewing someone WHO WOULD KNOW (an information officer for the police, a hospital administrator dealing with patient services – someone like that), AND/OR going to the National Association of the Deaf website and reading NUMEROUS complaints or actions taken on behalf of deaf people. You will see that some of the complaints seem to have merit and others maybe not. You will read enough to form a reasonable opinion on the basis of that reading. This will also give you the information for part three and to then write your conclusion. Tell me how many experiences you read about.

How long should it be? I would think several pages. I am not giving you a firm and strict format for this. Some of you take two paragraphs to write something that someone else needs two pages for. Your report should reflect reading a lot of experiences in order to give an informed opinion.

Your sources should be cited – where exactly did you get the information? Note that in your report

some sources: https://adata.org (ADA national network)

https://www.nad.org (National Association of the Deaf)

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