Project Proposal: You need to get approval for your term project. To gain approval, pass in a proposal that is no more than one page in length (not including bibliography) and we will discuss it during a mandatory office conference. The proposal should address items 1-3 as outlined under “Analysis Project” below. Append to the one-page proposal a bibliography sheet that contains relevant required course readings and at least five additional scholarly articles or book chapters (not entire books, unless you plan to read them) that illustrate use of your selected rhetoric concepts in rhetorical analysis. You can find those additional scholarly works using library databases. The goal of the mandatory conference is to work out a feasible plan for conducting your project. Failure to attend a scheduled meeting will result in a one full grade reduction (e.g., a B becomes a C) for this assignment (10%). Due April 1 (period 19).
Display Analysis Project: Prepare a 10-12 page analysis project (typed, double-spaced, following standard term paper format). Your goal is to select course concepts that you believe will bring into view otherwise unseen rhetorical features of your chosen display. The paper should include seven components: (1) a description of the display and a rationale explaining why you selected it for rhetorical study; (2) a research question that you will answer through study of your chosen display; (3) a rationale for the concepts chosen to guide your analysis of the display’s artifact or artifacts; (4) explanation of the leading concepts that together define your chosen approach; (5) a report of your findings with well chosen examples that illustrate the rhetorical operations of your selected display; (6) conclusions that answer your research question and discuss the implications of your study for understanding the rhetoric of the sort of display you examined, the utility of the concepts you selected for disclosing your artifact’s rhetorical features, or both; and (7) a bibliography containing at least eight scholarly sources that either illustrate analysis with the concepts you used in your study or conduct rhetorical analysis of the type of display you studied. At least five of those scholarly rhetoric articles should come from your database search. Informative articles or books about your chosen display or its context that are not rhetorical studies should also be included in the final bibliography, but they do not count toward the expected minimum total of eight scholarly sources. Be advised that you will be expected to discuss your project with the seminar on the last day of class. Failure to attend the mandatory last class session will result in a full grade reduction of your project grade (e.g., a B becomes a C).
Start thinking about possible displays for study early in the course. Consider the many possibilities. Epideictic speeches are one sort of display. For example, what conception of American identity or character is enacted in President Trump’s speeches? Or you might consider “non-oratorical” displays that serve epideictic functions (a popular film, a best selling book, a talk show, a memorial). You might consider how different media of communication shape the substance of that which is displayed. For instance, compare a novel’s plot with that enacted in its filmic depiction, or compare the rhetorical features of portrait painting and portrait photography. You might do an on-site study of the displays at a post office, museum, park, or zoo. Or you could attend a contemporary spectacle, such as a concert, play, sporting event, or political demonstration. You might also study how specific displays constrain public memories of the past, which is a very lively topic today (30%). Due on Friday, May 8, by noon. If you do not complete the project you will not get credit for the course.
Read through the syllubus to see what I study please. and please give me the separate document for 2 stuff.