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Understanding place or artifact

The design and construction of the physical aspects of the university should complement and strengthen the mission of the university to stimulate students in the effective use of learning opportunities. The physical environment should facilitate the process by which men and women seek to understand themselves and others through experiential and vicarious encounters with the extensions of man and nature (Sturner 99).

In this assignment, you will be analyzing a physical art piece located on campus. You may discover something new for this assignment or else write about an installation you have seen before but do not know much about. This assignment asks you to deepen your understanding of the history, importance, and appropriateness of a piece of art on the ISU campus.

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Understanding place or artifact
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Your purpose is to find out all you can about one small facet of the campus you inhabit and analyze how and why it has been designed and incorporated to a greater end. It is important to clarify that this assignment asks you to move beyond simple description and to add commentary and interpretation to your discussion of the subject. You should explore and explain how your chosen campus art installation was created and placed.

You may choose to write about any public piece of art on campus. Remember that effective analytical and interpretive writing describes the subject and its parts in detail, examines how the parts interact with each other, utilizes research, is logical in its organization, offers compelling insight, and concludes with a succinct summary of the analysis.

You will need to draw on material in outside sources to help you compose this paper. We will discuss in class how to properly acknowledge and cite the sources you use.

Resources that will be helpful:

https://www.museums.iastate.eduLinks to an external site.

https://www.museums.iastate.edu/learn/visual-literacy–learning/Links to an external site.

https://www.museums.iastate.edu/visit/art-on-campus-collection/Links to an external site.

Once you know the artist, location, and name of your piece, you may need to do some additional research to gain further information.

Additionally, you need to include at least two images in your paper this time.

Evaluation Criteria
At a minimum, your paper needs to satisfy the general criteria below. However, the grade is based not just on whether a feature is present or not, but on how well it has been integrated into your paper.

The lead paragraph introduces the audience to the place or feature (e.g., building, artwork).
There is a controlling idea that reveals the interesting focus of your analysis and commentary.
The paper shows relevant insights about this part of the ISU landscape and is not simply a collection of descriptive facts about the place.
The paper contains carefully chosen, specific information about the place, its history, its campus context and is developed with sufficient detail.
The paper is organized clearly around the key points made about the place or feature, its history, and its campus context. Specifically, you introduce your thesis about the place or feature in the first paragraph and don’t just present a name and location.
The paper is appropriately organized into paragraphs and uses transitions to link one idea to the next.
If the paper includes either direct quotations or paraphrases from the ISU websites or other sources, you provide in-text citation and accurate Works Cited
Problems with grammar and mechanics do not detract from the paper
Page layout makes the paper easy to read
The paper adheres to MLA convention
Visuals are appropriately placed and use MLA format conventions

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