You are designing a wedding liturgy for the following couple. The bride is a cradle Catholic with multiple Catholic members of her family. The groom is a Catholic convert (he joined the church in college, which is also where the couple met). None of his family, and many of his friends are Protestants or nothing. The couple want to have a wedding that reflects good Catholic theology about the sacrament of marriage, but they also want to have a celebration that enables everyone to celebrate with them.
Instructions: Before filling out this form, please participate in the Humanities Lab #3 Discussion Forum. Then, for each component listed below, identify what you would choose for this couple’s wedding, and provide 1 sentence for each component that states why your chosen component meets this couple’s needs.
Wedding Music-
First Reading-
Second Reading-
Couples’ Consent/Vows-
Whether or Not to Have Eucharist/Lord’s Supper-