Case Assignments: All questions should be answered for each case study. If calculations would enhance your commentary, it is strongly urged that you include these calculations. The length of a case study is determined by how well you include the requested information. Succinct, complete answers that show that you have prepared your writing with thought and reflection are preferable to answers that ramble and are not reflective of the course content. A complete, well-developed response can be given in one paragraph, several paragraphs, or a page depending on the question and your ability to articulate your answer. If it requires more than one page that is acceptable as well. The written assignments will be critiqued on the technical part of your answer, the clarity and logical sequence of your response, and grammar and spelling. You are encouraged to use textbook concepts as you attempt to explain in your own words the answers to the assignments. Word choice and sentence structure that is suitable for graduate-level work are expected.