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Elevator Pitch “video response” challenge

Develop an elevator pitch for your NAB business using the tips provided below. Use quotation marks for the elevator speech. Explain the rationale for its components.
Watch the following Lynda.com videos from the video series Giving Your Elevator Pitch with Todd Dewett (use your student login for Lynda.com if prompted):

Benefits to an Elevator Pitch (2:01)
Making an Initial Connection (2:43)
Structuring your Pitch (3:57)
Review the attached article (includes example) about the 3 steps to include in your elevator pitch.

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Elevator Pitch “video response” challenge
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Please consider the following as your prepare your speech:

The tone of your speech should be upbeat and confident, but not arrogant
Make sure you use positive and compelling words
The speech should be short in duration (about 30 seconds)
Week 9 “video response” challenge: Making a video response will give you excellent practice for doing a “live” elevator speech someday! If you’d like, you may submit your elevator speech as a video and include it as your response. Please make sure that you post a viable video file or include a functional link to the video.

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