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Essay Current and Future Policies of Healthcare

As you learned in this unit’s material, many forces of change can affect healthcare policy. For this assignment, you will evaluate the current and future effect of health policies on the healthcare system by first identifying the forces of change that are likely to influence public health policy and by then analyzing how these factors will affect the future of public health policy.

Focus on the questions below.

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Essay Current and Future Policies of Healthcare
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What has occurred recently that may affect the public health system?
Are there trends occurring that will have an effect? Describe these trends.
What forces are occurring locally, regionally, nationally, and globally?
What may occur in the near future that may affect the public health system or the health of your community?
Your essay must be a minimum of three pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. Your paper should be organized well and contain an introduction.

You must use the textbook and at least two other sources to support your position and analysis. One of the references must be from the CSU Online Library. All sources used, including your textbook, must be cited and referenced in APA style.

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