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Entrepeneurship “investment profolio”

This an assigment of entrepeneurship master class. You are in charge of “investment profolio” you have 100k. You must invest in minimum two companies at least or 4 companies MAX. You can explain in the paper : why did you choose these companies?? what does this companies do? How you would invest your 100k on them? What would happen with that money? How everythig will work? what’s your exit strategy ? You choose whatever companies you would like to choose. But they need to be explained well following the orders below: Page 1 should have your Mission and Vision as well as a paragraph detailing what types of companies you invest in. For example, because I have a background in ED-TECH, Healthcare Tech, High Growth Consulting firms those are what I invest in. Mission is to invest in companies that have revenue, strong leadership, focused offering to add value to their clients and customers. Page 2, 3, 4: Detail of the companies you are investing your $100,000. It’s very important to write your exit strategy, the exit strategy means the results if your investment in this start up company for example ( I investment 50k in this company and in 4 years I wanna get 200k )
Again it’s about start up companies I will send you the link of a list of start up companies choose the one that you’re able to find the enough information to talk about. Please try to be professional with your details and reasons last version it wasn’t so pro.

that’s the link

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