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Workplace communication and Digital Media

Take some time to view these videos, they will “bring to life” some of the concepts we are covering in this unit:

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Workplace communication and Digital Media
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Part ONE: Read Chapter Seven; Short workplace messages and Digital Media. t is highly recommended that you use the Chapter Seven Power Points as a guide to reading the chapter and as an aid to note-keeping. Power points are posted in Lectures Week Three

Part Three:Chapter Seven Assignment

Today’s workplace is changing as new technologies transform the way we exchange information and conduct business. Although your students may already be connected digitally with friends and family, they will need to understand how to use communication technologies professionally in the workplace.

This chapter explores short forms of workplace communication, beginning with e-mail. E-mail continues to be the lifeblood of businesses today, and this chapter teaches students how to use e-mail efficiently and expertly. Because instant messaging and texting are gaining popularity, this chapter also explores their best practices and liabilities. .

In addition, this chapter introduces podcasts, wikis, and blogs. Any applications that do not require a human presence (e.g., certain training videos) lend themselves to podcast recordings that users can stream or download on demand. Wikis enable far-flung team members to share information and build a knowledge base and can be used to replace meetings, manage projects, and document tasks large and small. Blogs help businesses keep customers, employees, and suppliers informed and receive feedback.

Social networking sites, including Facebook and Twitter, allow firms to share company news; exchange ideas; and connect with customers, employees, other stakeholders, and the public at large. Companies may boost their brand recognition and provide a forum for collaboration by participating in established social networks or by creating their own in-house communities. The downsides of social media participation are productivity losses, fallout from inappropriate employee posts, security breaches, and leaking of trade secrets.

Write a short (half page) essay on each of the following learning objectives. After reading your work I should be confidant that you understand the material well enough to explain it in your own words and to give examples.

Type your answers immediately after each question:

1.How have social media sites such as Twitter changed communication? (Obj. 5)


2.What is cloud computing, and how is it changing business? (Obj. 1)

3. List and concisely describe at least six electronic communication channels used most commonly by businesspeople today. (Objs. 1-5)

4.List and briefly describe the four parts of typical e-mails. (Obj. 1)

5.Suggest at least ten pointers that you could give to a first-time e-mail user. (Obj. 1)

6.How can you use instant messaging and texting safely on the job? (Obj. 2)

7.Name at least five reasons some organizations forbid employees to use instant and text messaging. (Obj. 2)

8.How can you show professionalism and respect for your receivers in writing business IM messages and texts? (Obj. 2)

9.How do organizations use podcasts, and how are they accessed? (Obj. 3)

10.What is a wiki, and what are its advantages to businesses? (Obj. 3)

11. Explain why companies use blogs. (Obj. 4)

12.List the eight best practices for master bloggers. (Obj. 4)

13.How do businesses try to tap the vast potential of social networking? (Obj. 5)


14.Name a few of the potential risks that social networking sites may pose to business. (Obj. 5)

15.What is really simple syndication (RSS), and why is it helpful? (Obj. 5)


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