Choose one of the following questions to answer as an initial post. Then respond to one peer. Refer to the syllabus for due dates of initial post and peer response.
Week 10: Chapter 16
Why is important to understand how the U.S. health care system is evolving and to forecast the short- and long-term effects of such changes? What are some of the common forecasting methods used?
What forces do the chapter authors believe will be the principal drivers of changes in the health care system over the next 10 years? How will consumers likely respond to all of the changes that are expected in the health care system?
Kovner, A.R., Knickman, J. R., Weisfeld, V. D. (2015). Jonas and Kovner’s
Healthcare delivery in the United States. (11th ed.). New York, NY: Springer
Publishing Company. ISBN#: 9780826125279.
Reflections posts are due in the Discussion Tab
Initial answers to the discussion should be at least 300 words. Responses to one peer are required for full credit for any week. Resources/References per APA style must be added in your graded response, and are not included the word count.The Reflection is based on the assigned readings for the class.
Post your entry to the appropriate discussion. You will have 2 questions each week from which to choose. Review the initial post due date on the course schedule.
Read the responses posted from your classmates. Choose ONE student answer that you would like to “weigh-in” on. It may be that you agree with their responses/answer OR if may be that you see the situation very differently based on experience.
Then respond to that person’s posting—but remember! “I agree” or “good post” (or some variation of this) is not a sufficient response! When answering questions OR in your responses to your colleagues, use YOUR OWN professional experiences and opinions. It makes it a rich way to share and learn about each other. Review the due date for the peer response post on the course schedule.
Grading of Online Discussions
Each module is worth 10 points each. Grading is based on pertinent thought and content given to answering questions for each module and your responses to your classmates’ postings. Correct spelling and grammar is expected. Assignments should be submitted on time and to the appropriate Discussion.
Grading Criteria
Satisfactory: Full Points (10)
Your answer to this week’s discussion is thought provoking and thorough while providing the forum with additional discussion from your peers, and elicits critical thinking.
The initial answer is posted by the due date.
The student responds to a peer by the due date of the discussion. Peer response is thought-provoking and provides support and/or another viewpoint to their questions or answers.
Posts have correct spelling and grammar and meets word minimum.
Marginal: 5-9 points
Your answer adds to the discussion, but could be developed more.
The student responds to one of their peers by the due date. Peer response adds to the discussion, but could be developed more.
It has incorrect spelling and/or grammar or does not meet word minimum.
Unsatisfactory: 0-4 points
The question is answered briefly with little effort of discussion provoking your peers to respond. Very little critical thinking or effort utilized to answer the questions, no contribution to further discussion.
There is no response to a peer.
Then you will do peer reviews
Cassandra Harris
Jul 6, 2019Jul 6 at 2:26pm
What forces do the chapter authors believe will be the principal drivers of changes in the health care system over the next 10 years? How will consumers likely respond to all of the changes that are expected in the health care system?
Throughout the years there have been many changes that have occurred in health care. Knickman and Kovner (2015) describe that there are many dynamics that influence change such as the change of focus from the care, to the high quality services that the consumers want, like patient satisfaction scores. Other factors are described such as the increase un-affordability of health care, politicization of health care and some states refusing to expand Medicaid (Knickman & Kovner, 2015).
Knickman and Kovner (2015) also describe that there are principle drivers that impact health care changes as well. The principle drivers that have an impact are the medicine and science as well as different payment approaches. The medicine and science drivers include emerging technology and medical know-how, such as mapping of the human genome, universal vaccines, stem-cell research and robotics (Knickman & Kovner, 2015). The drivers that are related to payment approaches include but are not limited to the benefits of payment bundling such as the payers being able to predict cost, keeping the cost from growing faster than economy and the ease of assessing the value of services (Knickman & Kovner, 2015). The providers then have more flexibility in the care being provided and are able to easily manage their business with a fixed amount of money (Knickman & Kovner, 2015). Some of the changes that I have personally witnessed in health care is mid-level providers, having their own practice such as Nurse Practitioners. Personally I feel one of the huge drivers of change with the Nurse Practitioners seeing a lot more patients is because all of the physicians that are in school are specializing in one area instead of being a general family physician. Nurse practitioners are able to receive their Master’s Degree in Family Nurse Practitioner and care for the general family health needs, and the education is far less expensive and shorter duration than that of a doctor’s degree.
According to the Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (2007), “eighty-two percent of NP users were satisfied or very satisfied with the care they had received compared to a seventy percent satisfaction rate for users who currently seen doctors”. Working in health care, and being a part of a team of professionals that implement changes to better care for the children, I have had a positive experience with the consumers responding well to changes. The main part of any negative comment or review on a change normally comes from the lack of understanding on the consumer end. In a study that was performed by Rollins et al. (2017) in regard to changes in the care of mental health “consumers viewed integration of primary care and mental health services favorably, specifically its convenience, friendliness, and knowledge of providers, and collaboration between providers”. Knickman and Kovner (2015) discuss that the future consumers will be involved in more consumer advocacy groups, and there will be a greater impact of the voice of the consumers in policy making. With the changes that are currently in place and how the care has changed to more patient satisfaction type of care and focus, in the future the consumers may be overpowering to the providers. Another factor that may result in negative outcomes is the increase in cost of health care with all of the changes being implemented. Consumers are already having a difficult time affording health care now, let alone in a few years when health care has improved so much to the point that no one will be able to even afford the care that they are being told is needed.
Brown, D. J. (2007). Consumer perspectives on nurse practitioners and independent practice. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 19(10), 523–529. (Links to an external site.)
Knickman, J., & Kovner, A. (2015). Jonas & Kovner’s health care delivery in the United States. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, LLC.
Rollins, A. L., Henry, N. H., Quash, A. M., Benbow, K., Bonfils, K. A., Hedrick, H., … Wright-Berryman, J. (2017). Managing physical and mental health conditions: Consumer perspectives on integrated care. Social Work in Mental Health, 15(1), 66–79.