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Microsoft Company Analysis
Select a company of your choice and perform a case study similar to the Telenor case study described in the above article.
You may not have direct access to the company you select, which means you may not be able to conduct interviews, and you may not have access to all the information you would like access to.
Your case study must follow APA guidelines (see my guide in Week 1)
Your case study paper must be organized with the following level two headings. Use level one and level three headings as needed).
Company Background
Company Business Strategy
Company IS/IT Strategy
IS Strategy Triangle (Read Shanardi and find other resources before arriving at the Friday meeting)
Strategic Alignment Model (Read Henderson and Venkatraman and find other resources before arriving at the Friday meeting)
Strategic Alignment Maturity Model (Read CIO wiki and find other resources before arriving at the Friday meeting)
Strategic Grid (Read McFarlan, McKenney, and Pyburn and find other resources before arriving at the Friday meeting)
Limitations (Cover the limitations of your study and paper)
Your paper must include at least five scholarly sources beyond the resources provided on Blackboard
Your paper must include a cover page with the names and student IDs of all team members