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The changing role of the Media in Elections in U.S.

summarize the changing role of the Media in Elections in U.S. Politics. Use Chs. 10 and 11 and discuss the effects of the modern technological revolution. Address the Media’s expertise in politics by explaining whether you think the media’s credibility meets its civic standing in the First Amendment and its role as a political socializing agent in American society.

This DB needs an assessment of the media based on the Constitutional mandate in the First Amendment. You must include these ideas below in your post.

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The changing role of the Media in Elections in U.S.
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Are they the watchdog?

Are they free of regime bias?

Do they meet the needs of the public?

What is their public standing?


BOOK LINK; https://drive.google.com/open?id=1I00V9wD7tQx8uJB-4bHNSeobpITgZwBa

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