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Business Intelligence Discussion

These articles require you to post your thoughts in a discussion forum on the D2L website addressing the following: 1) What is the general idea of the article as it applies to business intelligence. This is not a request for a summary of the article. It is for you to identify the main concept or idea discussed in the article; and 2) How this concept COULD be applied to another industry. This is for you to theorize how this same approach might be used in the future by another industry, not provide an example of how it is currently used elsewhere. You are limited to no more than five grammatically-correct sentences in your post. You may also not repeat the industry application of a prior poster. In other words, only the first poster that addresses a specific industry will get credit, so be aware of the other applications before posting. Your posts will be scored based on their contribution, originality, insight, depth, and spelling/grammar.

the professor only wants five sentence and I have two examples of how he wants it done. he stated this student did a great job

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