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Caravaggio and Italian Baroque

Caravaggio brought a new dimension to Italian Baroque art and revolutionized Western painting.

Think about Caravaggio’s style, and why his style might have been considered revolutionary.

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Caravaggio and Italian Baroque
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Write an essay directed to a student with no background in Italian Baroque art, in which you identify the key techniques used by the artist that we now identify as part of his unique style. Explain how each technique contributes to the overall impact of the work.

To help ensure the auto-feedback system will function properly, your response must contain a minimum of 100 words and a maximum of 1000 words, though individual prompts or your instructor may provide a more precise target range for word count. Your response will be automatically reviewed by the system, and you will receive your grade after your instructor reviews and returns the scores. Your response should not contain in-text parenthetical citations or other special headers or formatting.

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