For this assignment, you will watch an Esports event being streamed with official casters. It doesn’t have to be live, but the newer, the more relevant. This can be a league or tournament game. I will go so far as to say the larger the event the better, but you should also think about watching a game you know/like. You will write up an analysis that answers the following 5 questions:
What’s the audience and how does the caster appeal to/create for that audience?
Does this cast cater to hardcore fans or do you see ways in which there is an attempt to help people who don’t understand the game follow the action? Why?
Think about production value. An event cast will look different from a solo caster in numerous ways. Where do you see that polish and the use of effects?
How do the casters use the time built into the event where nothing is happening? It’s key to not lose the interest of viewers, but almost every tournament has lengthy portions of downtime (or slow time, like pick/ban or early game). What is being done during that time?
Think about what each caster does (assuming your event has multiple casters– most will. If not, just think about the one). What are the roles of the casters and how do they craft their commentary to fulfill those roles.
Each criterion will be worth 2 points of your final total for the assignment.