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IT Related Question with Amazon as the company

For this assignment, your company is Amazon. Complete the following using screenshots, images or diagram of sample products, processes, etc. to illustrate and address the items below (you may also consult YouTube.com as a source) This is not a research paper; however provide your source(s):

  1. What are ethics and why are they important to the company selected?
  2. What is the relationship between information management, governance, and compliance?
  3. Why are epolicies important to your company?
  4. What is the correlation between privacy and confidentiality?
  5. What is the relationship between adware and spyware?
  6. What are the positive and negative effects associated with monitoring employees at your company?
  7. What is the relationship between hackers and viruses?
  8. Why is security a business issue, not just a technology issue at your company?
  9. What are the growing issues related to employee communication methods and what can
    your company do to protect itself?
  10. How can your company participating in ebusiness keep its information secure?
  11. What technologies can your company use to safeguard information?
  12. Why is ediscovery important to your company?
  13. What are the reasons why your company would experiences downtime?
  14. What are the costs associated with downtime?

Submission Instructions: Upon completion, submit your completed project in this area of the classroom for grading.

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IT Related Question with Amazon as the company
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Rubric for Assignment Points
Used screenshots, images or diagram of sample products, processes, etc. to illustrate and descriptive texts to explain. 10
Provided substance-based content and delivery. 10
Cited Sources using APA format: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/10/. 10
  1. What are ethics and why are they important to company selected?
  1. What is the relationship between information management, governance, and compliance?
  1. Why are epolicies important to your company?
  1. What is the correlation between privacy and confidentiality?
  1. What is the relationship between adware and spyware?
  1. What are the positive and negative effects associated with monitoring employees at your company?
  1. What is the relationship between hackers and viruses?
  1. Why is security a business issue, not just a technology issue at your company?
  1. What are the growing issues related to employee communication methods and what can
    your company do to protect itself?
  1. How can your company participating in ebusiness keep its information secure?
  1. What technologies can your company use to safeguard information?
  1. Why is ediscovery important to your company?
  1. What are the reasons why your company would experiences downtime?
  1. What are the costs associated with downtime?
Total 100

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