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Big Data video analysis

Question 1

Please watch the following video and in about 150 words (spelling counts!) describe specifically what are the three things you learned about Big Data from this video. Be sure your answer is specific and provides evidence that you watched the video. An acceptable statement is: At the 0.30 mark, the narrator discussed…. and my opinion is….

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Big Data video analysis
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Your answer should also reference different parts of the video, not just the beginning.

Question 2

Please watch the following video and in about 150 words (spelling counts!) describe specifically what are the three things you learned about Big Data from this video. Be sure your answer is specific and provides evidence that you watched the video. An acceptable statement is: At the 0.30 mark, the narrator discussed…. and my opinion is….

Your answer should also reference different parts of the video, not just the beginning.

Question 3

Please watch the following video and in about 150 words (spelling counts!) describe specifically what are the three things you learned about Big Data from this video. Be sure your answer is specific and provides evidence that you watched the video. An acceptable statement is: At the 0.30 mark, the narrator discussed…. and my opinion is….

Your answer should also reference different parts of the video, not just the beginning.

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