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Epidemiologic Measurements: communities and jurisdictions

Many communities and jurisdictions throughout the United States have legalized recreational use of
marijuana. Suppose you are asked to conduct a questionnaire study of the prevalence of marijuana
use in a community where use of marijuana is legal. Propose interview questions to assess the
following measures of prevalence: point prevalence, period prevalence (one-year time period), and
lifetime prevalence.
There should be at least 3 questions per measurement of prevalence. Ensure your questions will
address the measurement and clearly define how. Please ensure you properly adhere to the APA
style of writing. Your assignment will be checked for plagiarism. Please ensure you paraphrase
research findings in your own words and properly cite as necessary.
Your paper should include:
• A cover/title page
• An introduction
• Interview Questions
• A reference page
Save your file as a Word Document (.doc or docx).
Include the term Module 2 Assignment_Epi Measurements and your Last Name, First Initial
when saving your file. Example: Module 2 Assignment_Epi Measurements_Walker.R.docx
Upload your completed document using the Browse button, and then click the Submit button

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Epidemiologic Measurements: communities and jurisdictions
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