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Child Rearing


Children are not only an object of love and attention to their parents but also a social and biological necessity. The ultimate significance of a child is their role in the continuity of humanity. The future of every country is dependent on the development and growth of children. Enabling children to realize their full potential is vital in sustaining growth and human development. Child-rearing practices are among the most critical responsibilities held by parents since they assist the next generation in every society in terms of growth and development to become responsible and healthy citizens.

Child-rearing practices are generalized terms that are used to characterize the ways of dealing with or handling children (Singer, 2017). Relatively, childbearing practices are considered as the transmission of beliefs, culture, and cognitive actions from the parents to the children.  Children learn and develop moral values during child-rearing approaches. Children learn a lot of things through persons that they have a secure emotional attachment. Parents’ beliefs and values for their children bring about appropriate child-rearing practices that contribute to the ways that shape their children.  Child-rearing patterns and practices vary in a different culture. Therefore, child-rearing varies depending on the country which they come from. Cultural norms about child-rearing practices typically influence how children are brought up (Dinn & Sunar, 2017). These norms influence what values and beliefs parents teach their children, as well as the behaviors that are considered significant as well as the techniques that are used in teaching these behaviors and values.

There exists varying child-rearing practices which influence children’s behaviors later in life. Differences among child-rearing practices bring about differences in the development and responsiveness of a child. Childbearing practices include authoritarian, indulgent, uninvolved, and authoritative parenting (Mounts & Allen, 2019). These have greatly influenced the behavior problems of children since they direct the behavior of the children.

Child-rearing practices and childhood norms have changed over time due to a shift in socioeconomic values. Considerably, increased growth amongst various cultures has increased the variation in child-rearing practices. For instance, families with young children in the United States have become more ethnically and racially diverse, with childhood rearing practices differing across cultures and societies (White, 2017). The development in expectations and demand for children to express their emotions as children over history and suppress their rivalry and envy has been evident while there has been increased emotions and behavior.

Children’s attitudes and behaviors have changed and have proven to be influenced by their childhood development. Ideally, the approaches during child-rearing are now developed on the basis of cultural and historical norms. For instance, parenting from fathers has made the children grow as fathers, becoming emotionally sensitive. This has led to challenges in respecting the leaders, such as the managers and supervisors in the working environment.

Generally, parents raise their children with the goal of molding them into productive adults (Holden, 2019). The parent-child relationship during childhood cultivates the emotional, physical, and social growth of the child. This is considered a distinctive connection that each parent and child can enjoy and cherish. The relationship established during child-rearing is essential since it lays the foundation for the development of a child’s personality, their overall behaviors as well as strengthen their mental, social, physical, and emotional health. For instance, a child growing under healthy and secure attachment to their parents stands at a better chance of developing content relationships.

Child-rearing practices lay the foundation for better mental, emotional, and linguistic development. Child-rearing skills have a positive influence on the improvement of a child’s esteem, cognitive development, school achievement, and behavior (White, 2017). Sensitive support promotes continued engagement in learning activities with their parents. For instance, responding to a child’s needs, fosters a secure and healthy attachment and interactions for future development.

Child-rearing practices have a significant impact on the personality of an individual. Ideally, personality is the set of potentialities for action that characterize a person. Child-rearing practices support the physical, mental, social, intellectual, cultural as well as cognitive development of a child until adulthood (Kumari, 2017). For instance, child-rearing practices in the United States ensure that children are self-reliant and independent. Parents focus on uncovering the latent potentials, talents, and abilities in their children while discouraging the bad and encouraging the good. The Child-rearing practices in the United States have focused on social, mental, intellectual, and personal development with more emphasis on increased freedom as well as material success.


The underlying notion is that child-rearing practices have a powerful influence on the personal development of the child since it impacts the direction they are taking in their lives. The proper role of parents is to enable a child to master major development tasks. It’s essential to understand the part of childbearing practices in child development since behavioral, social, and emotional problems are associated with child-rearing practices. Considerably, rearing practices that are sensitively attuned to development tasks and children’s capabilities promote a variety of significantly valued development outcomes. Child-rearing practices have led to a child-parent relationship that has a significant influence on significant aspects such as intellectual, social, and cognitive development of the child. Therefore, it is essential to pay proper and adequate attention to child-rearing practices.




Dinn, A. A., & Sunar, D. (2017). A cross-cultural and within-culture comparison of child-rearing practices and their correlates. Turkish Journal of Psychology32(79), 111-114.

Holden, G. W. (2019). Parents and the dynamics of child-rearing. Routledge.

Kumari, B. (2017). Effect of child-rearing practices on intelligence, creativity, and personality.

Mounts, N. S., & Allen, C. (2019). Parenting Styles and Practices. The Oxford Handbook of Parenting and Moral Development, 41.

Singer, E. (2017). Child-care and the psychology of development (Vol. 12). Routledge.

White, M. S. (2017). Social Class, Child Rearing Practices, and Child Behavior. In-Class and Personality in Society (pp. 56-69). Routledge.

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