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Exegetical Analysis : 1 Corinthians 11:2-16

Word Count: 2500 1. Introduction: This is where you lay out what the essay is all about and what you intend to achieve. The problems to be addressed in this essay. 2.Definition of Theology: Focus on at least three or four definitions that have been put forward by the theologians/scholars. Explain what you understand by each definition you choose to mean in your own words. Identify what you find helpful with each definition and what you think that each definition has overlooked or ignored. 3. How would you have as a individual define theology and why. 4. What are the sources of theology Include at least 10 References/source Assignment 2. Module Code: CTU 502 (Dr. Marvin) Using the WH method, (Who, When, Where and What), provide the Exegetical Analysis for the following passages: 1 Corinthians 11:2-16. Word Count: 2500 INSTRUCTIONS: Analyse the following…! 1. What is the background to the letter and meaning of head covering b). What was the issue of Morality, causing Division morality 2. Why is Paul repeatedly trying to get the church United 3. Where is the geographical Location 4. When was the Date of the Letter Provide at least 10 References/ sources for this essay.

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Exegetical Analysis : 1 Corinthians 11:2-16
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