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Problems in the Hospital Setting

Summary of the Article

The article analyzes the approaches to establishing a safety culture advanced by nurses in a healthcare facility. The article by Farokhadian, Nayeri, and Borhani (2018) notes that nurses play an integral role in ascertaining patient safety. As such, their knowledge and experience of the key challenges influencing patient safety culture is fundamental to the development and implementation of better strategies and practices in the healthcare organization (Farokhadian et al., 2018). Therefore, the article emphasizes the significance of the nurses’ role and experience in advancing better practices that impact patient safety culture. Hence, the study focuses on utilizing the nurses’ experiences and knowledge to address the challenges of the patient safety culture in healthcare systems.

Analysis of the Sampling Method of Study

The article is informed by a qualitative study that utilizes semi-structured individual interviews to acquire essential information and data from a sample of 23 nurses from four hospitals (Farokhadian et al., 2018). The sampling approach applied in the study comprises of purposeful sampling as the selection criteria of nurses who met the qualifications of being informed and experienced. The more diversified the nurses were – the more chances they were likely to join the selected study sample. Thus, it illustrate bias based on the participants who met the qualification of experience and being informed.

Suitability and Applicability of the Article to Literature Review

The article is critical and suitable to the literature of the problems in the hospital setting. Nurses form a crucial component of the hospital setting, which impacts the quality of care and patient safety. The article provides critical insights on how to advance service delivery through a patient safety culture, which is vital to the literature review. Kieft, de Brouwer, Francke, and Delnoji (2014) further expounds the role of nurses and how their work environment impacts on patient experiences and quality of care. Thus, provide substantial insights to mitigate the problems in the hospital settings leading better and quality healthcare provisions.


Farokhzadian, J., Nayeri, N. D., & Borhani, F. (2018). The long way ahead to achieve an effective patient safety culture: challenges perceived by nurses. BMC health services research18(1), 1-13.

Kieft, R. A., de Brouwer, B. B., Francke, A. L., & Delnoij, D. M. (2014). How nurses and their work environment affect patient experiences of the quality of care: a qualitative study. BMC health services research14(1), 249.

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