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The HR department in an organization plays an essential role in creating a positive working environment (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart & Wright, 2015). Thus, engaging in personal and professional development and acquiring the right professional qualifications and accreditation is important to an organization (Lengnick-Hall & Aguinis, 2012). The core functions of the HRM in the organization include hiring, recruiting, and development of the staff through incentives, training as well as performance evaluation (DeCenzo, Robbins & Verhulst, 2016).

Despite the fact that multitasking can have a number of negative impacts on learning, I had a greater ability to multitask between school and work. I ensured that I gave full attention to my school work to ensure that my performance was not affected by my job. The ability to multitask is necessary since one has to adjust to the routine practice of working out a number of tasks and complete them effectively (Judd, 2013). Problem-solving skills were essential since I was able to complete tasks with less time and come up with an intelligent solution. This was all about my ability to use logic and imagination to complete different sets of exercises. My procrastination was a blessing in disguise since it offered me insights as to what is more important. Most of the time, this leads to a creative and innovative solution to a project or task.

One of the greatest weaknesses was time management due to a lot of schoolwork. However, with time I was able to establish a routine where I prioritized and planned on the tasks to complete on what days and during what hours. Balancing schoolwork and job was a great challenge. As an adult, you have obligations and thus the need to balance these responsibilities. However, through proper planning, I was able to coordinate both responsibilities and balance the performance outcomes. As I look back throughout my Master’s journey, I noticed that I had a lot of skepticism and doubt that made me question my decision to beginning my Master’s program. I have gained confidence and optimism with myself after intellectual improvement, knowledge application, and personal development.

Professional development entails personal improvements that one undertakes in achieving a personal career (Council, 2013). For professional development some of the strategies that I have put in place include continuing with my education, participating in various professional organizations, improved job performance, and enrollment in various on job training programs

Studying a master’s program in Human resource management is essential because of the knowledge gaining in various HR Themes as well as the critical thinking developed. In conclusion, I have been able to address my weaknesses, which have now become part of my strengths. My ability to multitask, problem, solving skills, and procrastination are essential since they can foster innovation and creativity, which are important to an organization while my weakness poor time management, doubt, and skepticism as well as balancing work and school are essential in facilitating proper planning and scheduling, good time management and meeting organizational objectives.




Council, G. D. (2013). Continuing professional development. Online information is available at http://www. GDC-UK. org/Dental professionals/CPD/Pages/default. aspx (accessed December 2011).’

DeCenzo, D. A., Robbins, S. P., & Verhulst, S. L. (2016). Fundamentals of human resource management. John Wiley & Sons.

Judd, T. (2013). Making sense of multitasking: Key behaviors. Computers & Education63, 358-367.

Lengnick-Hall, M. L., & Aguinis, H. (2012). What is the value of human resource certification? A multi-level framework for research. Human Resource Management Review22(4), 246-257.

Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2015). Human resource management. Gaining a Competitive.

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